A new home...

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Ok I have moved my blog over to blogger.com as it seems more suited to the task - what with it being a website designed largely for the sole purpose of blogging. There is also the benefit that I believe now anyone can leave comments or abuse or whatever; as it was a source of annoyance that only registered myspace users could leave comments on the previous blog. Given that this has been done on the same day as having already made a post on the previous site, there is little more to say. Especially given the fact that it is currently 2:45am roughly and why I am still awake baffles even me; even more so considering that I am supposed to be getting up in about 6 hours so I can get ready to go to Hull. Anyhow, this is the new home for my incessant ranting, complaining and waffling about things that are not important or of any interest to anyone - enjoy...

2 Responses to “A new home...”

  1. Blogger Lightning Jack 

    Just testing that this comment thing worked - excellent. All you have to do is select 'Other' or 'Anonymous' rather than 'Blogger' under 'Choose an identity'. :)

  2. Blogger Lightning Jack 

    No worries old man :)

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