The bulk of the weekend was dedicated to beer and pancakes - the sustinence of the divine. We went out on the saturday to celebrate a friend's pseudo birthday. His birthday isn't until the 28th but it's the only time that was feasable for people to be at Hull. The night out was mostly decent - started with a chinese meal; a buffet, naturally, the kind where you shovel food into your face to the point of wishing that you hadn't been such a heff. Then we went to a pub in town which was packed with as many middle aged people as you could wish for - I believe mutton dressed as lamb was the theme of the evening. I did notice quite a few hot 30+ year old women, but I didn't have my glasses on, so I think they benefitted from some considerably blurred vision (mine not theirs - I can't imagine how their vision being poorer would help them be more attractive to me. I don't have a fetish for squinters). Then we got a taxi back, and against my better judgement, went to Asylum (the on campus club). Now, Asylum isn't a bad club by any means - but I definitely did not want to be surrounded by people who are all 2/3 years younger than me and still enjoy life because they are dilluded. Ah, the bliss of ignorance - how I miss it so. Basically, I hated it and if I have any manner of luck at all, I will never find myself in Asylum on a night out ever again.The rest of the weekend was pretty usual. One previous housemate cursed his bad luck as he got another flat tire. I guess that's what happens if you insist on driving over nails. Still, gave me something boring to take a picture of atleast.
Other than that, nothing really happened, except for being given a lovely demonstration of just how cool it is possible to look whilst wearing a wetsuit. Man, I wish I had one - I would wear it everywhere.
Upon return home, I was pleased to find that two parcels I was expecting have turned up. One is the ever so beardy Guild Wars. It is most excellent, although my pc is a pain and insists on crashing in a most heinous way every couple of hours or so whilst I'm playing it - which is an utter nuisance. The other parcel is a book that a friend has sent me which is pure excellence - it's entitled "Great lies to tell small kids". My friend said she saw it and instantly thought of me - it's nice when people know how twisted your sense of humour is and embrace it rather than shun you.
Ah I can finally comment on your blog, and I'm linked on here already, good work sir!
Shame Guild Wars is crashing...Anyway keep up the crazy antics with middle aged people and well done for not having any mishaps pertaining to your phone and a pool table!
Heh yeah is good that I can put links on this one. Is a pain about GW, but it's to be expected I guess as PCs are generally annoying.
Yeah will have to keep my new phone away from pool tables - otherwise I shall be most displeased.
Is it wrong that I'm aroused by that picture of Chris in a wetsuit?
Lol well it's a fine example of a healthy young man... in a wetsuit. I'm sure it's perfectly natural.