Fill that time

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It's amazing how easy it is to waste time. I havn't achieved anything for weeks. I attribute this in part to the vast amount of amusement there is to be found on the internet. For example, a moment ago I was able to discover the different attributes that compose my character...

How to make a Lightning Jack

5 parts intelligence

3 parts brilliance

3 parts empathy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add caring to taste! Do not overindulge!


Personality cocktail

As you can see - I am awesome. Though I would have preferred it if it had been an actual cocktail recipe. I think it meant to say 'apathy' rather than 'empathy'.

Other venues for slackers include the glorious WEBoggle which I discovered from reading Jol's blog. This thing is a deadly slayer of time - though I guess a non-lethal slayer would be reasonably pointless. I mean, what do you slay other than things which are living? Unless ofcourse it was someone referring to being a fan of sleigh riding and had just spelt it wrong. Or alternatively it could be a referrence to a distinctly poor rock group, stating that they don't kill people - Charlton Heston kills people... and apes. Those damn dirty apes.

If feeling sociable, and by sociable I mean you have a desire to converse with random freaks whilst playing cards - then MSN Hearts is the way to go. This is excellent. Spent hours playing this last night with two friends, and just filling the fourth gap by telling it to let a random freak into our game. A source of much amusement for those with empty lives.

Anyway, I need to go Amazon it up and get some Christmas shopping done - hopefully it's not too late to order stuff. Can't believe it's only 10 days till Christmas and I am utterly unprepared - oh wait, yeah it's totally believable.

2 Responses to “Fill that time”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    WEBoggle is really neat, eh? I'm sure some people cheat on it though, every time after I thought I've done pretty well, the person that's first has like 90 more points than me!

    Gasp! Christmas shopping already?! Leaving that until faithful Christmas Eve.

  2. Blogger Lightning Jack 

    lol yeah some people do rediculously well on WEBoggle. I just thought I was being a bit poor, but yeah your right - some people must be cheating. Though when you look at the missed words section, some of them are utterly random combinations of letters that are questionable as to whether they are actually words.

    Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve - now that's living on the edge. Then again, they do say that "if you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room" - but personally I like my space.

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