Here's the extra pictures that I took yesterday that I just didn't get around to uploading. The first one on the right is the steps you have to climb to get up the hill. They were immensely icey and an utter pain to have to get up, although to be fair, coming down them later in the dark was probably worse.

This next picture is taken from the top of the hill. You can't see the view too well in this one though as there is a lot of snow covered foliage in the way. Today I shall walk along to a near by bridge that gives a much better view and see if I can get a better shot of the landscape.
When getting to the top of the hill, we (well, not me) decided to wait for a bus to take us into town. Whilst waiting at the bus stop with two other people we noticed a snow plough heading our way. This caused a certain amount of panic as we noticed that said snow plough was shooting all the lovely brown sludge-like muck from the gutter out onto the pavement in a sort of tidal wave-like manner. All four of us hid behind the bus shelter as it was the only form of cover anywhere to be seen. Unfortunately, when the snow plough got to be within about 10 feet or so, we noticed that the muck being strewn about by the snow plough was not only shooting out to the side, but also to the front as well and in that last remaining split second it became abundantly clear that the bus shelter was going to be of little protection against the oncoming disaster. I managed to take a nice hit of black sludge to the face, as did one of the other people who was stood next to me.

Fortunately, much to my amusement, the friend who I was with who had come to visit me took, by far, the worst of it. She had turned around to avoid being hit in the face by the wave, but unfortunately her 'carefully chosen position' was infact exactly where the bulk of the sludge was cast and so her entire back was covered (see the picture on the right - this is after I had removed a load of leaves from her back as well).
Anyway, after going back home to get changed, we set off again into town. We spent the bulk of the day there and I finally got to see
Narnia. This film is fantastic in my opinion. Anyone who liked the original books, or animated film or the most excellent BBC series is bound to enjoy this film. I would also recommend it to anyone who has previously had no experience of Narnia, as it's thoroughly enjoyable and I'm sure anyone would like it unless they are a moron.

Then later on we walked back through Lincoln at night and it looked most excellent as it was all lit up. Then we had the joy that is traversing steep hill whilst it is covered in sheet ice. This was probably one of my least well thought out plans, but still, it was good for a giggle. Infact all the way up you could just hear the screams of laughter of other people as they tried to get either up or down the hill without crippling themselves; many of whom were girls dressed up in their going out gear avec high heels - I admired their dedication and perseverence; among other things.
We we got to the top of the hill, we had dinner (or tea, if you prefer) in a nice pub and then went round and had a look at the cathedral as it was lit up and looked awesome against the clear night sky.

Then we headed back and had to make our way down the steps in pitch black, though fortunately my phone (being awesome as it is) has a torch on it, so it wasn't too tricky.
"Then we headed back and had to make our way down the steps in pitch black, though fortunately my phone (being awesome as it is) has a torch on it, so it wasn't too tricky."
You're a walking Sony Ericson advert. RESPECT KNUCKLES