Happy Christmas
Published Sunday, December 25, 2005 by Lightning Jack | E-mail this post

Apparantly I shouldn't wish you all Happy Christmas because of its religious implications, and should infact wish you all Seasons Greetings or something equally lame. It seems to me that most people consider the religious aspect of Christmas to be more of a tacked on chore, rather than the actual cause for the holiday; therefore I don't see the problem with wishing a Happy Christmas as most people celebrate it without giving a second thought to its religious connotations. I hardly think that saying Happy Christmas is like forcing Christianity down people's throats - people that feel otherwise are clearly suffering from sub-optimal intelligence levels. If anything I guess I should probably be wishing a 'Happy
Coca-Cola Day' given that they invented what has now been come to thought of as the symbol of Christmas - a fat, bearded alcoholic. Anyway, enjoy what ever holiday you're celebrating and make sure that it involves more food than you can eat comfortably and lots of Coke (either Coca-Cola or class A drugs, depending on your budget and preference I suppose - the latter might be adviseable as an adequate source of entertainment to make up for how poor
TV is this Christmas).
"Apparantly I shouldn't wish you all Happy Christmas because of its religious implications"
No, that's just bullshit from right wing American pseudo-'christians'.
"people that feel otherwise are clearly suffering from sub-optimal intelligence levels"
oh, wait... you already worked it out.
I'm wasted. Christmas has been great so far ;)
Ha excellent - keep up the fine work Ian and have a great day today :)