And Relax...

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Well Christmas Day and Boxing Day have now passed, so I can and must take a break from stuffing my face with enough food to nourish the whole of the third world and probably the first and lesser-seen-second worlds as well. This is the first time in 48 hours that I havn't felt full - I am enjoying this feeling. I think I shall go walk into town in an hour or so as well - see if there are any bargains going in the sales and just bash anyone that gets in my way. I hate busy areas so much - I think it's being so close to other people; when you break it down - I just hate people really. I think it's healthy to have a certain amount of hate coursing through your veins; if you were all bunnies and hugs then everyone would think you were retarded. In fairness, most people probably do credit me with some sort of mental defficiency - but I hate them, so it's all good.

View to the right from my bedroom windowNo doubt it is going to be freezing out there as there is snow everywhere, although the sun is shining a bit now, so I'm sure it won't be long before it all turns to slush. Does anyone else have snow at the moment? I am finally going to go to the cinema today to see either Narnia or King Kong - both of which look fantastic and have been credited as being so by the critics. Narnia has received the highly prestigious and coveted 5/5 starfish - so it must be pretty awesome. Will be sure to give them my own appraisal when I have seen them. I'm not normally prone to film reviews, but that's only because I don't go outside, let alone to the cinema these days. I feel like one of those old people on a bus to the Lake District or something - so pleased to be allowed outside and to go somewhere other than the shops to buy groceries. Anyway, I am gonna go shower and cleanse my body of Christmas, then go into town and take on the hordes of bargain hunters - If I see David Dickinson I shall be forced to burn him.

1 Responses to “And Relax...”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    "Narnia has received the highly prestigious and coveted 5/5 starfish - so it must be pretty awesome."

    Hehe damn right, went to see it again on Boxing Day in a 'proper' cinema, well the Kettering Odeon is better than the Futurist! Unfortunately it was slightly ruined by a family of miscreants who insisted on talking right throught it.

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