This has been quite a long day. Especially condering it started at about 4am. I received a text at this time and then was only able to get to sleep again between 7-8am, so in total mustered a lovely 2.5 hours sleep. Got up at 8am as I needed to get ready to go into town to finally get some christmas shopping done. I'm not normally a morning person and even less so when I get a quarter of the sleep I would have liked - my eyes felt like they were trying to cry lemon juice, and I pretty much felt like I was a hundred years old. Still, once I was ready and out of the house, I popped into Lincoln to begin the shopping extravaganza! Or atleast try and chose some random items that I thought would be appreciated, as I already had most of my order ready on
Amazon, I only needed a few more items.

Still, it was a pretty nice morning out and about - not a cloud in the sky and the sun was shining, and it was considerably warmer than the frost on the ground lead me to believe it would be. When I had picked up some items from the highstreet I then had the lovely walk back up 'steep hill'. It hasn't earned this name through the wonder (and constant tormentor of my life) that is irony - it is actually immensely steep. Well, for a shopping area. Anyway, once climbing this everest of boutiques I was able to mill around Bailgate for a while and enjoy the nice oldy worldy atmosphere.

I also popped over to have a look at the Cathedral, as even though I am not into my churches by any means, it's still a nice looking building and looked pretty cool on a nice sunny morning. Can't beat a good spikey building - look at it there, all spikey and what not.
The walk home also yielded some nice pictures as well, as I walk along on the top of the hill for a fair while, and then have to drop down it again to get to my house. From the top of the footpath leading down from Burton road to my house is a reasonably excellent view. You can also see the fantastically slippery footpath that leads down to my house.

Anyway I got home and everything seemed to have been going rather well, although it was only about 10:30am to be fair so I was obviously counting my chickens before they had hatched - the eggs hadn't even been lain really. Hmm I wonder if that's spelt correctly...? I wonder if it's actually a word - it's the first time I have ever used it in written form and now I am beginning to wonder. For those of you a little less bright than the rest of us, or atleast those unable to keep up with my high brow, fast paced witicisms, or failing that, those of you who are really not that interested and subsequently paying very little attention - the word in question is 'lain'. Hmmm (x2) - it would seem '
lain' is indeed a word, but I think I have used it in the wrong context - oh woe is me. Still, nevermind this tot; back to the matter at hand...
It had recently been brought to my attention that I have been unable to receive texts from some people on my new phone. This was most annoying as I had spent and am currently spending lots of money on this thing, not to mention the massive amounts of hassle I went through just to get one and to now find that it had decided it was going screen my texts and only give me the ones it thought were suitable - well, I wasn't exactly over the moon about it to say the least. I was able to discern that the people I wasn't getting texts from were other people on the
O2 network, which just seemed odd. I went into the O2 shop whilst in town this morning and they had merely fobbed me off with some nonsense about it most likely being a problem with the other person's phone - why I ask shop monkies for their advice I don't know; I might as well ask my cat. So then I decided to ring O2's customer care line, which was no doubt at great expense. After navigating the entirely unhelpful menu system and then being on hold for about 15 mins (better than I was expecting), I was finally put through to someone. After much discourse it was determined that there was nothing wrong with my phone or the O2 network and that it was certainly the fault of the other person. Needless to say, I was less than convinced. After ringing the O2 store in Retford and explaining the situation to another dim witted individual, I was informed that it was most likely that my phone was broken and could be sent away for repairs or I could replace it. I opted for replacing it as I know that anyone unfortunate enough to have to send their phone off for repairs is normally in for a long wait, unless ofcourse you're one of the lucky few - I know how lame my luck is; it wasn't worth the risk. Enroute to Retford, about 10 minutes outside of its centre, my phone suddenly came alive with alerts and I received about 10+ text messages from various people from during the past week. We got to the O2 store with my apparantly now working phone and explained the situation to the store manager. He was actually very helpful and rang the tech people and got them to refresh my mail box (no idea what this entails) and told me what to do and who to contact should it ever happen again. I was just thankful that I didn't have to swap my phone as it would've resulted in me having no music to listen to for the journey back - not to mention the hassle of setting it up again.
Anyway, aside from all the previous uninteresting stuff, nothing of note has really happened. I was completely fooled yesterday when my brother rang me pretending to be a new "turkey stuffing company canvassing the area". Had me fooled for the entire time anyway - I managed to ascertain that it was some people having a laugh and not a proper company but had no idea it was him. Guess I can't slag off people for being slow anyway.
Hmm looking at the title I should probably include the appropriate picture just for good measure...

Oh and below are some links that I have been sent which aroused my interest:
Something where Star Trek meets Star Wars meets Haddaway
Something Christmassy for those familiar with YTMND
Something for fans of Dennis Nedry from Jurassic Park
Something for fans of Battlefield games
Something for those interested in photorealistic computer graphics
Also, just want to express my hilarity and joy at discovering that Haddaway is still going strong and is apparantly big in Germany - where all unwanted Pop acts end up it would seem. I wonder if he knows the Hoffmeister...?
I think you should start crediting people in your posts :)
I like your pictures.
lol yeah good point given that you sent me all the links. Next time you shall full credit for your fine discoveries.
Cheers - thought I should inject some colour into the blog.
I need more Andy, more! I need to hear more about your day to day inane ramblings! It's what gets me up in the morning, I've tried to get OAG to sponsor the blog, they're looking into it. Please tell all about ure Christmas, New Year and especially your Perato experience. I need to hear your negitive spin on it all!
lol well I'd hate to disappoint. Just got back from London, but fraid I had a most good time - loads of pics, but little negativity. Still, I am off to Scunthorpe in a couple of hours so I am sure that will remind me of all that is wrong with the world - so stay tuned for a double blog (season finale stylee) on friday...