Hmm this post probably isn't going to do an immense amount of justice to the last four/five/however many days as my brain is having problems - still, I shall attempt to make the following atleast vaguely engaging.
Ok now where to start - I know I should start at the beginning but I am trying to work out where that is. Ah! I know - friday the 30th of December 2005. Infact that's another point, it's now 2006 - so Happy New Year etc. I hope this year goes well for all who survived the change over. Anyway, back to the where ever I was - friday. Last friday I was due to head back to Hull for New Year's Eve and the obligatory drinking session that knocks a decade off the functioning life of your liver. I can always just get famous and pull a George Best. I mean do a George Best - hmm that sounds no better. Anyway, I'm sure you get the point - if you're thinking anything sexual about ageing or dead football players then you have succesfully misinterpreted what I was saying, or you are just very very wrong in the head and need to have yourself checked - especially with regards to the dead ones. Anyway, like I was saying - If I was a rich girl... wait, no that wasn't it. Ah yeah, Friday.
Right, one of the people due to attend the festivities was a friend of mine who lives in Nottingham who happened to be getting a lift to Hull. As I happened to know that it costs like £20 for a return to Hull from Lincoln and only £4.55 for a single to Nottingham, I decided that I would be cunning and head over to Nottingham and then get a lift with my friend and save myself £15 - genius. This was going well until I had to return home and the single ticket back from Hull to Lincoln cost £18 so I ended up spending more over all. Still, sounds about average for one of my financial strategies - an utter catastrophe, but in a very minor way.
Anyway, that's all supremely boring. When everyone had arrived in Hull we all went to the pub and chilled like villains and got some drinks in. Then we tried to decide whether or not to go out for the evening and have a practice run for the following night. We all went back to the house that we were all staying at and in the end only three of us (myself included) were hardcore enough to go out and get hammered. One of the group was working in all fairness and we'll get back to him later. After leaving the lame ones for a cosy night in, the three of us proceeded to the nearest bar that we thought would be reasonably decent. We went over to Hockneys, which proved to be utterly dead. So we only got the one drink - no point in going in there for nothing; then moved on. On the way out we spoke to the bouncers, one of whom I knew, to ask if there was anywhere decent that wouldn't be dead on the night before New Year's Eve. They told us that everywhere would be utterly dead and not to bother. This was not what we wanted to hear so we ignored them and went to the Welly club. Dear god - rock revival night. The bouncer actually asked us on the way in if we knew what night it was and if we wanted to go in there - we just told him we loved rock and went in. After paying £5 to get in to the club it became apparant almost immediately what an utter mistake we had made. The "music" playing did not seem like 70s and 80s rock to me, but sounded more like a heard of stampeding buffalo on fire. We sorted ourselves out with a double vodka and coke each - something a little stronger was required due to the fact that there was just awfulness eminating from every square inch of the club. We were the only people in there not dressed like we were going to a clown's funeral.
We soon finished our drinks and left the Welly club and quickly grabbed a taxi to take us into town. In our mostly wasted state we decided that it would be a good idea to head over to V-bar and go pester our friend who works there, who had left us earlier that evening to go start his shift. My memory from this point on is a little hazy. We were in V-bar for what may well have been a few hours, but my memory of it stretches to about one minute. After however long it was, our friend who was working at V-bar (who I am pretty sure we were tormenting) finished his shift and we all decided to head back to the house after what we all considered to be a succesful night out - which, in fairness, it was. We'd been out all night without being bored and had got utterly wasted. What more do you need? On the way home, I broke off from everyone else as I believed I had found a short cut - this turned out to be completely wrong and led me to be trapped in the bus station and I had to run all the way back out the way I had come and round it to catch up with everyone else. Stupid wire fences. Come to think of it, at that time we were walking to Rhythm Room, but they were charging £8 to get in so we decided against it, which is fortunate as I had already spent £40. We then must've got a taxi back from somewhere, but I have no memory at all of the rest of the evening; what little there was of it.
The Following day was New Year's Eve - the main event of the trip. After spending the majority of the day lying in the lounge feeling distinctly like death, it was decided that we should all go to the Gardeners (a nearby pub) for lunch. I had a burger, which although being very nice, did not help my 'feeling like death' situation one bit. I think this is because I foolishly had a pint of coke with it rather than having what should have been my first pint of the day. We then headed back to the house and picked up some wine along the way. Why I decided to drink wine rather than beer I don't know as I usually find drinking wine to be about as pleasant as stroking my tongue with a razor - this was no exception. Still, it gets the job done. The taxis came to pick us all up at nine o'clock, bar two of our number (who were staying in for a quite night in - lame). We went to Sharkies first and got the double vodka and cokes in and were treated to the spectacle of the utterly wasted idiots that were running around with the nobs out etc. Then we headed over to Position and fortunately only had to queue for about 20 minutes or so before getting in, which was better than I had expected. The night went by pretty quickly considering that we were there for like 5-6 hours and I'd be lying if I said I remembered more that about an hour's worth of it at most. Out of the five of us that went, myself and the other two lads left about 3:30 I think.. maybe and walked home, whilst the two girls went to some house party somewhere. The three of us walked back singing "Push the button and let me know... and a happy new year!" repetitively for about an hour - not once did it lose any hilarity. We then got home, made lots of noise and then passed out.
The following day everyone except three of us went home - the only three remaining were the original Economics Trio. So naturally we stayed and did some formulas and calculated our marginal propensity to consume etc. Another way to look at it would be to say that we stayed lying under duvets in the lounge watching Top 100 shows for 48 hours and drinking endless amounts of Carlsberg. Our achievements included exploring the whole of Old Town in the City Centre for about 2 hours, which mainly involved going round in circles till we got bored.

The main highlight though was to find the smallest window in England which is on a street known as 'The Land of Green Ginger'. It turns out I have walked past this window many a time and have just never noticed as it is rather underwhelming, as you may have guessed. For anyone looking at that picture thinking "There is no window there - what is that idiot talking about?" - the window is actually that crack between the two bricks. There is a pane of glass in it. For anyone thinking "What is wrong with that guy?" - he is the spirit of the Economics Trio. If you were the spirit of Economics, you'd pull that face.

Our other achievement, other than staying in the same clothes that I had gone out in on New Years Eve for two days (yes that's an achievement!) was the construction of our Carlsberg Pyramid - which was knocked everywhere twice. We also rented a couple of dvds - namely 'The Descent' (not very good or scary in my opinion - certainly no '28 Days Later') and 'Dumb and Dumber' (Old Skool classic).
Today I caught the train back and managed not to end up going all the way to Sheffield this time (the trains were a pain last time). I have then just spent the rest of the day having a mini detox before I head off down to Kettering tomorrow to continue my alcohol-fueled adventures...
[Good God; this has been an immensely long post - it's not even that interesting. Oh well, it's done now]
I am aroused by that gentleman in the Land of Green Ginger. Should I be concerned?
I think you'll find it's a perfectly natural reaction to such an image - or so I tell myself.