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The internet has failed me. I have just been trying to find a quiz to determine which member of the Raccoons I relate to most and as far as I can tell - no such quiz exists. This has come as quite the disappointment. If I wanted to know what type of candy I am most like or which Simply Red song best sums up my predisposition towards fair grounds rides, then that'd be fine; but if I want to know what sort of Raccoon I am, all of a sudden it's absurd.

Now I'm sure some of you may be wondering "why the sudden fascination with the Raccoons?" - like it's some how not acceptable to randomly start thinking about cartoons you havn't watched for 10 years and then wonder which character you most related to (fascists). I happened upon the lyrics to the Racoons' theme tune recently and it was whilst reading them, and subsequently listening to said theme tune, that I wondered if there was a quiz about the Raccoons; what with there being a quiz about every other thing you could possibly think of on t'internet. I guess it's possible that there is one and I just didn't find it, as I'm not prepared to dedicate more than 3 minutes of my time towards searching for one. Therefore I thought I'd put this out there and then if anyone knows of, or finds, a Raccoons quiz they can put the link on here for everyone to enjoy (as I'm sure everyone is know thinking "I wonder which character I am most like...?"). Condolences to any Cyril Sneers.

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