I am bored - which you may have guessed from this posts rather apathetic title. I therefore have decided to brighten up my days by purchasing something that will sparkle and delight me; well perhaps not sparkle, but atleast entertain me in some way. The trouble is choosing what to purchase, as there are a lot of things out there that I wouldn't mind having, but I am not made of money (more's the pity) and therefore must chose which item will best please me whilst at the same time not crippling my accounts; especially considering that this is, or atleast was, an impulse purchase.
In my search of the internet I have discovered many a thing that would please me, but I am struggling to decide what to part my decidedly-unearned, government-given funds on. So I decided that I would list what I had found and anyone who cares can leave their thoughts on what I should or should not purchase.
Item #1: '
The Book of Bunny Suicides' and '
The Return of the Bunny Suicides' (both by
Andy Riley)
Now I know technically this is two items, but as they are greatly of a likeness I thought it seemed petty to list them seperately. Especially as I would only say the same things about both of them. As you can see, these are particularly dark humour - but I do enjoy my humour like I like my coffee; made by someone else for my pleasure. These are both quite short books and I don't know how much I would re-read them, but it would certainly be most gigglesome the first time through. They would also go nicely with another book by the same author that I was given by a friend - '
Great lies to tell small kids'. I have included below a couple of examples from the Bunny Suicide books so you can get an idea of the content.
As you can see - these books appear to be most excellent and would perfectly suit my, perhaps twisted, sense of humour.
Item #2: '
Unpleasant ways to die' (by Elan Fleisher)
Again, this is another book that I found which I believe would appeal to my sense of humour. I'm afraid I don't have any example pictures from this book. My adding it to the list was based soley on it's title, the cover picture and the comments left by people who had read it on
Item #3: '
National Lampoon's Animal House' dvd

a visit to Hull not so long ago, we were watching the Top 50 greatest comedy films (or something along those lines - I can't recall its exact title as there are so many of those damn Top 50/100/1000 shows that it becomes increasingly difficult to keep track) and one of the higher ranking films was this one. It occurred to me that I had heard of it before as this film has achieved a cult status. It also became apparant to me that I have never watched it and that I probably ought to. I feel slightly restrained by the fear that it will be just like
Porky's and therefore probably not worth my time or money as, funny though such films were when I was 14, they now fail to amuse. Still, I have a feeling that this film is going to be considerably better than the myriad of subsequent films it spurred focusing on the antics of inadequate teens.
Item #4: Robert Post's
I have been deliberating over whether or not to buy this for quite some time. I always find it hard to part with money for a music cd, for reasons which I won't go into now, but needless to say the cd in question has to be of considerable quality before I am ever inclined to part with money for one. I am tempted by this particular album as the limited edition version also comes with a dvd with extra material, which I am hoping includes some music videos. For those of you unaware as to who Robert Post is or, more imortantly, what his music is like, you can check out some of his songs as well as the most excellent video for his first single '
Got None' over at
his MySpace page. I have particularly enjoyed his first two singles, both the aforementioned 'Got None' and the follow-up single '
There's one thing'. His music manages to be both chripy and yet melancholy, which I find to be most pleasant - I also enjoy his music videos as the two that I have seen have been reasonably original and entertaining.
Item #5: '
Joan Rivers - (still a)Live at the London Palladium' dvd

I still find it hard to believe that
Joan Rivers is 72. The wonders of modern medicine I suppose. I think upon realising just how old she is that I am going to be forced to recant an earlier statement that I made to someone about her being attractive for her age. It just doesn't seem right to make such remarks about someone who is considerably older that your own parents. All though I can probably think of atleast one person who would disagree - to which I will just state, once and for all, that
Sue Barker is NOT hot. No offense to Sue Barker - I'm not saying she's ugly by any means; I just don't think she can really pull off being the object of desire for a man in his early 20's. I can see that I have gone on a massive tangent here, but I feel it had to be said. I will just wrap it up by stating that
Melissa Rivers (Joan Rivers' daughter)
is hot.
Anyway, back to the dvd. Last night, ITV did one of their 'An audience with...' shows and this time it was with Joan Rivers. As I have come to expect from her, she was utterly comical and pretty much slagged off everyone that political correctness says you shouldn't. I decided that I would see if there were many dvds that I could purchase of her material and strangely enough the only one available was this dvd taken from her recent tour of the UK, which apparantly you can only get on Amazon. Now it seems pretty odd to me that there is only one dvd of her shows given that she has been doing the comedy circuit for the last million years. Still, what can you do - this is the only dvd I saw, so now I have to decide if I can be bothered to buy it - hence why it ended up on the list.
Ok so there are five items. There were many more than that (well atleast a few), but I have kind of lost steam now and become distracted. No doubt I will do some subsequent posts adding more stuff to the list in the near future. So any ideas anyone has about what I should buy, whether it be something I have already mentioned, or something awesome that I have some how omitted - leave a comment and let me know.
I can recommend The Bunny Suicides - my housemate has it. Pretty funny dark humour, yeah but it probably won't keep you occupied for very long.
Don't know if any of the rest are any good, but you can't go wrong with a book, DVD, game etc.
Coolio - yeah I was thinking that I would get through the books in an hour and then think "hmm that just cost me £10" or however much they cost - can't remember. There is a game I need to add to that list actually but I couldn't be bothered at the time - Super Mario 64 DS.
Yo, go for joan rivers so i can borrow it.
And damn straight Mel Rivers is hot. I saw her on one of those swap your life with someone for a few days shows.
Have you noticed how much of a death theme you have going on.. your going to be posting something along the line s of "do me a favore call an ambulence" soon...
Ha yes I must confess that I started a blog as an elaborate (well, not that elaborate) prelude to my own untimely demise. "I'm soo sorry <3"
Hmm yeah I reckon the Joan Rivers dvd probably is a good choice. A good stand-up act is always amusing and generally has a fair amount of re-watchability (that's right - I have invented a word. Similar to 'bounce-backability' but without the sports connotations).
arf. Lightning Jack is SOooooo emo. <3
DVDs are boring. Thats what the internets is for.
Put some fucking effort in. Go and see Joan Rivers. Purely because it will yield to a blog post about how much you hate the London Palladium or saaain.
I went to see stand-up this Sunday. It was great. He said we should get rid of depressed people by just agreeing with them.
Mel Brooks is hotter than Mel Rivers.
Heh all valid points - with the exception of the Mel Brooks comment. Still, each to their own I guess.
Come to think of it - we should see if there is anything good to go see (eg. a stand up act) for when we go down to London.