Warum nicht?
Published Wednesday, January 18, 2006 by Lightning Jack | E-mail this post
I am speculating as to whether to further extend my footwear collection. As you can see I have added a '
mini poll' on the right-hand site of the page, giving you the chance to vote for which of the potential candidates you think I should purchase. It's similar to Eurovision or X-Factor, but considerably better - there is no singing, you don't have to spend money on texts messages or phone calls to vote (well, I guess that's not entirely true if you are on dial-up, but then why are you wasting valuable pennies reading this site - I can only surmise that you're not and that I am speaking to no-one... well, good) and there is the added benefit that you may actually get to see the candidate you have voted for in the flesh... well suede or leather or whatever the one you voted for is made of (doubt it will be leather as I am not prone to wearing leather trainers).
Anyway, for those of you not particularly current in terms of trainer styles etc, below are pictures of what each prospective pair of trainers looks like, as to help you make an informed decision.
Well, what d'ya know - there is some leather in there. Think the 'Chile 62' one is made of leather. I guess I could have gone back and deleted the earlier bit about not being prone to wearing leather trainers, but I really can't be bothered to scroll up.

On a completely unrelated note, I have been listening to a considerable amount of
The Divine Comedy recently as I just obtained their 'best of' album,
A Secret History. I had forgotten just what a good band they were. Anyway, I shall leave you with an excerpt from their single 'Generation Sex'...
Generation Sex
the sperm
of worms
into the eggs of field mice
so you can look real nice
for the boys...
[Edit: The mini poll has since been removed]
I think you need something with heels to extenuate your stubby little ankles.
I've not voted because I can't decide between green and brown. AGH! IT'S KILLING ME!
lol i'll take that into consideration