Ears, Beers and everything in between
Published Sunday, January 08, 2006 by Lightning Jack | E-mail this post
I am gonna have to come clean - there really isn't anything to do with ears in this post. Sorry to disappoint all of you ear enthusiasts out there who I know frequently read this thing. Must be especially disappointing after the lack of ears in the last post. Still I promise to do a special ear feature sometime in the future - though how far in the future that will be I really can't say. I guess it depends how long it is until something interesting happens to me that heavily (or even partially) focuses on ears.
Anyway, the last few days...
I went to Kettering on wednesday to see some old friends of mine from sixth form. Well I went expecting to see just the one friend and anyone else would be gravy. For the wednesday and thursday we just chilled like villains and didn't really get up to much - we were saving ourselves for the night out planned for friday. I am too old and more importantly broke these days to be able to do more than one night out in a week - well, that's not strictly true but I had spent all my money in Hull and drinks cost a fair bit more in Kettering, so one night is all it was going to be. Anyway, Friday came along and we got into town by about 1pm after having been awake for all of an hour. We had a massive steak dinner for lunch (that must be confusing for some people with the whole lunch/dinner/tea issues). By 2pm we were thoroughly bored so decided we would have a casual pint in the pub to break up the afternoon. By 6pm and many pints later we were still there and realised that we were going to end up being wasted before the night had even begun. We left the pub around 6:30pm and grabbed a take away for tea and headed over to the house where we would be staying that night and had a can or two before setting out again into town. My memory of the rest of the night is somewhat sketchy but I did get to meet up with quite a few good mates from sixth form as well as meet a few randoms and also upset a destinctly 'emo' barman by asking him not to kill himself before he got me my drink. All in all a thoroughly successful evening (barring the expenditure of £60 or so on alcohol). The next morning I was woken at 9:30am by my friend who wanted to head back to his house. I felt like death in every possible way - infact death would've been something of a reprieve at the time.
Later than day, after a lot of being unwell and a brief nap, we both headed off up to Lincoln as my mate was going to come stay here for the weekend. Due to me forgetting the route home and choosing a worse one on the map we managed to add an extra hour to the journey, including getting lost in Stamford. Still, in the end we got here and just relaxed for the rest of the evening.

Today I showed him round Lincoln and picked myself up a new hoody and belt. I also showed him the joy that is climbing Steep Hill, which I have often mentioned.
He headed back this evening, after my Dad reminded us of the correct route, and he was then able to get home with ease. Now I just have the task of preparing a 3 minute presentation about why I should be employed for my
Pareto assessment centre day tomorrow - goody. The next two days are going to be quite an adventure, filled as they are with lots of exposure to various forms of public transport; which I will no doubt complain about when/if I make it back on Tuesday.
More pictures of steep hill. I want to know what it looks like. I want to feel it, smell it. I want every fibre of my being to yell "TAEK ME TO TEH HILL!!1"
Lol I'm sure there will be plenty more on the subject in future posts. I will have to drag you over at here at some point so you can experience it for yourself.
Can I get nekkid and rub myself up against it, moaning?
I beleive that sort of behaviour is generally encouraged atop Steep Hill - you often see some man rubbing himself against that sign, surrounded by many confused American tourists. I had to get in a rubbing queue just to get the picture of it.