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Poppy the puppyAn interesting day today - well, I say 'interesting'; the bar has been set pretty low these days due to the uneventful nature of my life. The most notable event of the day was that my mum has bought a puppy and we picked it up today. A 10 week old, long-haired Alsation called Poppy.

It would seem that I haven't made the cut with my Japan application, which is pretty lame. I guess that means that I shall just have to get a job, save up a load of money, learn Spanish and get on board with Rami's Spanish adventure. To that end, I have got an interview on friday morning to become an accounts administrator for a local company in Lincoln - so here's hoping that my luck changes, as I am getting increasingly bored of being broke.

Also, I notice that today is the first day of Lent. I was going to give up a whole bunch of things, but Lent has sort of snuck up on me as I wasn't paying attention. I did consider giving up alcohol for the 40 days, but I think that would verge on madness. If anyone has given up anything for Lent, then feel free to share your Lenton vows, so you can deservedly feel slightly 'holier than thou'.

6 Responses to “Woof!”

  1. Blogger Ramaldo 

    AWWWW look at the little doggy! I want one! I going to have to come and visit you now!

    As for lent, you're all infidels, I wouldn't really worry about it.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    hi roo, if i was chinese, that'd be good meat. guess who is in lincoln tomorrow, if im free fancy a sneaky pint if i can get away for an hour?

  3. Blogger Lightning Jack 

    lol fair enough then. The problem with the puppy is that it does not like to be left alone. It howled all last night and is continuing to do so again tonight. I have had little sleep as a result.

    Pint sounds good :)

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I'm giving up progressive Belgian trance for lent.

    Your dog looks delicious.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww how cute is she, you know she'll like me more than you. if im allergic t her aswell then im never coming t ur house again, can u imagine the state of me if i was allergic t her aswell as candy n george, is that even there names!!??

  6. Blogger Lightning Jack 

    lol yes that is their names. If you managed to remember your antihistamines for a change then you'd be just fine I am sure :P

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