Food for thought #2

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Ok this is probably really dumb, but I am going to put it out there anyway, because I can and I might as well.

Shrimp, crabs and lobsters etc are essentially the insects of the sea - granted lobsters would be big insects, but still that is pretty much what they are. So how come people are perfectly happy to eat insects if they live under water, but don't like the idea of eating bugs that live on the land? People eat fried grasshoppers etc, but this is considered to be totally weird; where as shrimp is entirely normal.

I'm not saying this like I don't do it - I love shrimp, but it'd be a cold day in hell before I'd eat a stag beetle or something. Maybe it's just a cultural thing, as we have been brought up to think that bugs/beetles (they are different you know) are pests and not food.

Come to think of it, it's probably just because we don't find crabs and shrimp scurrying around the kitchen and loitering in the bathroom when you go in there in the middle of the night - just ready to scare the hell out of you when you least expect it. I would definitely be freaked out if there was a crab chilling out in the sink.

This reminds me - I had some great shrimp the other day. It was at this awesome steak house that we found. You get a steak/steak pieces and then some other random thing to go with it, like chicken, pork, fish, shrimp or even lobster. It was a fantastic restaurant and allowed me to drop 'Steak?' into the conversation a good few times.

1 Responses to “Food for thought #2”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Money's too tight for steak! Epic
    Good post man, I like the way you challenge an assumption, insects are insects no matter where they occur, what separated one variant from another. Shall I get my dung beetle bib on? Hah!

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