Fortuitous Schmortuitous

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Fortune, having previously 'vomitted on my eiderdown', has been rather kind to me today and has not only paid for the dry cleaning bill but also sent me flowers, chocolates and a little card saying "sorry". Basically what I am saying, albeit in an unnecessarily round-about manner, is that something nice has happened to me today.

As I had previously mentioned, this was due to be my last week working for the local council and I needed to secure a 2nd job to tide me over till the end of July. I wasn't too worried by this as TempLinc found me this job easily enough, so I assumed there wouldn't be too much bother finding me another job. However, the deadline was looming and TempLinc had yet to receive any jobs for which I was a suitable candidate, largely due to the fact that I am only available to work until the end of July and most people wanted someone who could work for longer. I remained reasonably optimistic, but was starting to worry that I may end up being unemployed again, which would be both thoroughly unejoyable and leave me in a bit of a financial crisis with regards to my imminent move to Japan.

I was therefore pleasantly surprised this afternoon when my supervisor asked me if I would consider to continue at my current job until the end of July. This is most excellent as I enjoy this job and the people are nice and it just generally suits me to continue here rather than to try and gain other employment. It also grants me considerable financial fortitude, which is no bad thing; especially given my ever growing addiction to Ebay.

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