Monthly Review - February
Published Friday, March 03, 2006 by Lightning Jack | E-mail this post
Today has been an interesting day. However I am not going to write about it now, as tomorrow is also liable to be an interesting day, so I am going to clump them together and post about them both tomorrow afternoon. However I wanted to throw in this brief interlude in the meantime. Firstly, I have suddenly become aware that I neglected to give February it's review score yesterday. February scored 4/10.
Secondly, I have also discovered my Superhero name and Superpowers etc and I was so taken with them that I decided to share them with the rest of you:
Your Superhero Profile |
 Your Superhero Name is The Time Squirrel Your Superpower is Complements Your Weakness is Midgets Your Weapon is Your Power Throwing Stars Your Mode of Transportation is Love Van |
What's your Superhero Name?I'm not entirely sure about 'complements' as my Superpower...
The Time Squirrel: "Oh no - It's my arch nemesis: The Pirate Goose!" (Hey, if I'm a 'Time Squirrel' then I think a Pirate Goose is perfectly acceptable)
The Pirate Goose: "Avast ye scurvy dog!"
The Time Squirrel: "Hey! I'm a squirrel, fool! THE Time Squirrel!"
The Pirate Goose:"Garr!"
The Time Squirrel: "Enough of this feeble banter! I shall attack you with my Power Throwing Stars!"
The Time Squirrel: *Throws Power Throwing Stars*
The Pirate Goose:"Argh! I am done for - surely thar can be no more!?"
The Time Squirrel: "Wrong! Now I shall deal the final blow - complementary mints!"
Stay tuned for more adventures of...
The Time Squirrel
You know you loved it.
Faggy...or brilliant! I'm getting some funny looks from colleagues who want to know what's so funny my early morning coffee is coming out my nose! That really hurt by the way.
Andy, what the hell are u doing up so early?!
Hehe sorry to have indirectly caused your synapse-related mishap. Still, atleast that could prove to be an interesting party trick in the future? Glad you enjoyed it anyway (the post that is, not the whole coffee incident) :)
I had to get up early this morning for a very important reason. I shall divulge all in my next post which I shall commence work on now.
Your Superhero Name is The Purple Punisher
Your Superpower is Psychic
Your Weakness is Color Purple
Your Weapon is Your Ice Foam
Your Mode of Transportation is Rocket
thats not even good cos i love purple!! - louise x (WTF is ice foam!!)
Ha - Purple Punisher. Sounds ominious. Ice Foam is fired by the Purple Punisher's rocket. Phallic references galore.