I come from a land down under
Published Monday, May 15, 2006 by Lightning Jack | E-mail this post

My days as a bum are officially over - or atleast on hiatus. Today I started work. I've got a temp position as a Data Entry Clerk working with in a department of Lincolnshire County Council. Granted it doesn't sound overly glamorous, but it is pretty enjoyable as the people are nice and it beats sitting at home not earning money. The job should last until mid-june and should put me on track to earn the money necessary for my Japanese adventure. As I may well have previously mentioned (I can't remember), I have decided not to accept the
BT job. Instead I am going to get the temp agency I am with to find me another position when this one finishes. I figured it would just be easier all round really, also if they can find me one quickly I will earn even more money doing it this way.
On another note, I have finally taken the advice of Tom and Ed and watched '
Lost in Translation'. It was most excellent and I recommend it to anyone who would enjoy a slow paced, feel good film with a great soundtrack.
Well done, approximately 365 days since graduating you’ve finally managed to find employment! Your parents must be so proud, mind you soon I will have to start looking for work and I don’t hold hoping finding anything quicker than you do :(
lol well here's hoping your attempts to break into the world of work go better than my own. I would like to think that the tales of my mis-adventures have served to educate people and perhaps be of some help; but imagine they've merely depressed those soon to be or already looking for work and amused those who've already gained employment.
Well done, approximately 365 days since graduating you’ve finally managed to turn into a complete weeaboo! Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi must be so proud, mind you soon I will have to start looking for that Ghost In the Shell box-set and I don’t hold hoping finding anything quicker than you do :(
lol - Iaboo!, Youaboo!, He/Sheaboo!, Weeaboo!