Bonjour! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I have been busy most of the time and the rest of the time I just couldn't be bothered; but now I am back.
Hmm where to begin - my memory of everything I have been up to over the last two weeks is rather limited. Still, anything I can't remember I will just replace with a probable scenario as provided for by my wondrous imagination.
The first of my two week absence may not have happened for all I know - I really can't remember what I did. I believe it's the week where I was to attend an interview for some lame job I really didn't want (but really needed) and then just as I was leaving the house, they rang me to inform me they had filled the position the day before. I was not amused that they waited until 15 minutes before the interview (which was the 2nd one with this particular company) to inform me that the position had been occupied for the last 24 hours. Still, I won't lie - there was a slight feeling of relief. The company was a shop, the sort of which
Cash Converters would look down upon and as you can imagine, it attracted all my favourite characters from life's rich tapestry - Scallies, Bikers, weird old people. I couldn't wait to get stuck in.
Other than that, I really can't think of anything else that happened during the bulk of the week. I can only assume that I was either abducted by aliens and subsequently disregarded because I am a poor example of a human being, or that I was a spy from an evil Mars corporation, who has had his memory wiped for a top secret mission. I hope it's the aliens one, as at least that would mean the worst of it is over (albeit it would certify that I am a rubbish individual), but if I am a spy from Mars then there is all sorts of mutant-hugging, nostril-probing, face-expanding adventures to come and I just don't have the energy for those sorts of capers.

Oh wait, I remember now - ok forget all that other babble (which you probably already have). During that week, my brother and family came to visit me (twice) which was nice. We went to see Lincoln Cathedral (the inside this time), of which (surprise surprise) I have more pictures. The only downside to their visit was when I let my niece play on Mario Kart on my DS and she took it upon herself to delete my saved file. I'll be honest - a little part of me died inside. Hmm there is an awful lot of brackets in this paragraph - I don't know quite what to make of it (yet).
Also during that week, I was visited by Vicky. She was kind enough to bring a box of
Krispy Kreme doughnuts with her as well, which was most excellent. I showed her the wonderful sights of Lincoln and there was much rejoicing.
Right, so onto week two - well, almost. We are at the cusp. Friday, of week one (14th), I travelled to Leicester for the day to meet up with a couple of friends from 6th form, Coey and Hindu. It was a most excellent day. It was sunny and warm and it was the first time I had properly looked round Leicester. As the day drew to a close, I then returned to Kettering for the weekend. The Easter weekend was predominantly spent in a drunken stupor, interspersed with feeling like death. This climaxed in a pub lock-in on the sunday night that lasted until about 8am on monday. Walking out of a pub at 8am is a very weird experience. We went to McDonalds for breakfast and then went back to Coey's house to sleep for 4 hours before beginning the journey back to Lincoln.
Coey came up to Lincoln for the week and we spent the week chilling like villains. We mostly spent or time playing games or watching films or going to the pub and discovering Lincoln's dodgiest take away. Still, we didn't get food poisoning - so yay for us!
On friday of the second week (21st), Coey made his way back home to Kettering and I made my way to Hull for the weekend. It was quite a good weekend. Friday night we went to
Pozition, which was alright, but by this time I had had enough of alcohol-related adventures for a while. On saturday we went to see
Silent Hill. I was so excited as I had been looking forward to this film for years and I am pleased to say that in no way did it disappoint. I went with Tom and Leigh, who admittedly aren't usually fans of horror films (in all fairness, most horrors are a bit lame) and even they enjoyed it. Whilst not being identical to the game, it was very true to the style of the game and they even employed the use of quite alot of the original score of music. I'd go so far as to say that this is the best example of a game to movie transition to date (competing as it is against such strong contenders as Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat and, let's not forget, Street Fighter), as well as being an excellent example of a well made horror film. I have to admit though, I was a little confused as to how on earth this film got a 15 rating. This is one of the sickest films I have seen in ages (in a good way). It puts
Event Horizon to shame and yet that is an 18. I guess the
BBFC are just getting soft, or senile. Also, I have just noticed that
IMDB gave Event Horizon a poor score - how rude.
On sunday, we got a Chinese for lunch and then chilled like villains for the rest of the day. I went home around mid-afternoon. Not alot has happened since returning home, save for a phone call offering me an interview for a job at a department store in town tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed that works out alright.
Good to see the blog is back, apologies about mine not going anywhere. I promice it will be back soon!
Get a job... surely it can't be THAT hard mate!
You'd be surprised. By the way, everytime you say "Get a job" a fairy dies.
I can't believe your Mario Kart save file was deleted. I'm so sorry for your loss!
Shame I couldn't make it back to Kettering. Thanks for the heads up on how Silent Hill went though! Your praise on it is making me look forward to it even more, you think it's better than the Resident Evil films?
Thank you - your condolences are appreciated in this sad time.
Hmm yeah I'd say it beats the Resident Evil films. Definitely the 2nd one, hands down. I really liked Resident Evil 1 though. Hmmm I'd say it's definitely a better film than Resident Evil, but I don't know if it'll have the same replay value, as I have watched Resident Evil loads and still enjoy it.
I demand a mention, you insensitive clod!
I think I was pretty much the one highlight of your weekend that didn't involve putting something in your mouth.
Through soil he did crawl
A supersuit did fall
Parr was just a dirt-eating
chewy link of worm flesh
but all that came to a crashing end
He's such a groovy guy
He rockets through the sky
Cruisin' through the Universe
havin' lots of fun
Here comes Ian Parr you know
that he's a mighty one
Despite his great big muscles,
and his really big ray gun
Parr is still an Ian,
but then he's the only one
With a super suit to make him really super strong,
Parr can be a winner if we only sing along...
We think he's mighty fine
A hero for all time!