Boom! I don't feel so well.
Yesterday, I had the second part of an assessment for a job. It involved a group exercise and a mock telephone situation. I feel it went quite well, but it's hard to be sure. I should find out how I did in 2 weeks - roughly around the same time I get to hear if I am going to Japan. So fingers crossed for some good news.
I have just watched the new trailer for
X-men 3 'The Last Stand'. It looks amazing. The nerd in me is ridiculously excited - hmmm that sounds rather disturbing. Anyway, it's definitely worth a look. Although you will need the latest
Quicktime, which is a bit of a nuisance. X-men 3 and
Silent Hill are definitely going to be the movie highlights of the year.
Other than that, I have just started watching series 4 of '
24' today, which was kindly lent to me by Vicky. It is excellent. I have only watched the first 2 episodes so far and already I have been reminded of what a brilliant show it is.
Oh yeah, I forgot to comment on the Beauty and the Geek finals. Both the American and British versions of the shows have reached their conclusion. It almost brings a tear to my eye. I won't talk about who won either as [a] I'm sure most of you don't care, [b] most of you probably know anyway and [c] if you do care and don't know, then I am sure you'd rather watch it for yourself.
Last night saw another episode of the
UK Apprentice. How annoying are almost all the people on that show? Also, I wonder how these people are supposedly the 'cream of the crop' ("I rise to the top. I never eat a pig cause a pig is a cop.") when they are all utterly useless.
Utter agreement on X-Men 3 and Silent Hill, hopefully they won't let us down. Also check out the flash site of Silent Hill 3...creepy stuff how it morphs from normal to evil randomly.
As for 24, almost embarassingly I'm still only a quarter of the way through season 2, but I can still see it's pretty ace.
I like how you forgot to mention the name of the post itself! Blood Money looks fantastic as I'm sure Coeface would agree.
Hehe well it was my 47th post so I was reminded of Hitman. Figured I would just leave the pic as a clue for those who would appreciate the reference.
Season 2 was a good one - the best thing about 24 is how each series ends up being better than the last. So you have much to look forward to.
Yeah I went on the Silent Hill website - creepy stuff. I was on it at like 3am and it freaked me out.
Haha that YouTube trailer is awesome. I see they subtly snuck the 'O RLY' owl in there too. Great Stuff.