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"When marimba rhythms start to play
Dance with me, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close, sway me more"

- Dean Martin is awesome. Fact.

Anyway, I thought I would do a little update as I haven't posted on here for a while - no doubt much to the dismay of my avid fan-base. I will also point out that there have been no recent posts by Rami, Ian or James either - get on it.

As you can no doubt imagine - little has happened within my little bubble. I did however get accepted by the Nova Group to be a teacher in Japan. I have to ring them by wednesday 29th March to accept a placement. I am still waiting to hear back from the local job I applied for to see whether or not I can afford to go to Japan in August, so hears hoping that works out well. Though I suppose I can always get a job in Tesco as a shelf stacker or something if I really have to - just to fully complete the stereotype of a failed graduate.

Over the last... however long it's been, I have mainly been filling my time with watching TV (mostly Two guys and a Girl) and geeking it up. Fortunately, in about 2 weeks I shall be going down to Kettering to see some old friends over Easter. If I am to retain any degree of sanity then I am going to have to socialise to some extent and I could do with a good wasted session. Though having said that, I am sure I will regret any such activity within 12 hours of its commencement - business as usual really.

2 Responses to “Sway”

  1. Blogger Lightning Jack 

    Thanks :) Yeah you will def have to come visit. Sure Rami will be able to blag some cheap tickets as he is King of the Planes.

    lol 'tesco till tarts' - that's great. I would wear that title with pride. I am most desperate for cash now - I need lots and only have a few months to get it.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    You'd make a lovely tart. I've not updated my Website 'cos I'm finishing a great big accademic project. I'm sure it'll be updated after that.

    Lets give thanks for that shall we?

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